Sunday, April 6, 2008

//Ride a bike

It is amazing to feel the sun on your face and the breeze.
I know it sounds dramatic, but it really does feel amazing.

I love Creation.
I think it is sad that Christians rarely (if at all) think of Creation.
We would much rather be comfortable.
We are comfortable in our faith.
We are comfortable in our service.
And most of all we are most comfortable in our transportation.

We are quite lazy.

I think there is something amazing about intentionally seeking to make the world a better place by riding a bike instead of driving.
I know it sounds simple.
But I think life should be simple.

I love the feeling of not rushing around.
I love hearing birds sing.
I love the feeling of all those cars rushing past me, with there drivers to urgently speeding around to get where they so desperately need to go.
I love actually seeing people, and if I feel like it, pausing to stop and talk.
I love seeing flowers coming up in the green grass.
I love the feeling of people complaining about gas prices, and knowing that biking causes me to contribute less to the raping of a nation for it's oil.
I love seeing little kids getting off the bus and walking home from school.

Yes, I still drive when I have too, and I am not saying that you should sell your car and buy a bike, because I know that for some that is irrational. But with each person that decides that enough is enough and chooses to bike, the earth gets greener and our dependence on foreign oil decreases.

Give it a chance.
Ride a bike.

//Be one less car.


Daniel Coutz said...

I like being with friends riding bikes and in a weird way I even like the feeling of being sore and exausted because you rode 9 miles.

Tyler DeLong said...

I agree dan...I think we are gonna do that trip everyday if you interested...
Anyone who wants to, me and a couple friends are going to be biking to kenyon and back everyday(weather permitting).
Call me 419-571-2867 or leave comment.

Ryan Schmitz said...

Hopefully I won't shock anyone, but: I'm in favor of more bike paths through Mount Vernon. It would be really cool to make that "our thing" --> more money for Mt. Vernon businesses, more businesses for Mt. Vernon residents, and more tax dollars for Mt. Vernon City (which hopefully would mean we would get a reduction in taxes).

Daniel Coutz said...

If there were more bike trails I would leave campus more.

Ryan Schmitz said...

Opps, we wouldn't want that Dan. the world is a very bad place... nix my original statement, MVNU student should only stay on campus. Tyler, you and Holly should move back on too.

Tyler DeLong said...

great ideas ryan! Less taxes would be awesome!
but not too sure about the living on campus idea...not sure if the co-habitation rules would work so well with us! I think we would probably have to be RD's for that one to happen...haha
It would be amazing to have more bike trails and more oppurtunity for buisness in Mount Vernon.

Daniel Coutz said...

That's true Ryan I think I'll just start staying on campus during breaks too much chance of being corrupted to leave anymore.

Ryan Schmitz said...

Corruption it what we are trying to keep you from, you are only safe inside the gates of MVNU. After all, what good could 1000 Christian college students do outside of campus?

Tyler DeLong said...

I feel the same way....there is no need in the Mount Vernon community for 1000 christians...we should definatly stay on campus and mind our own buisness like good little christians!
haha...i almost couldnt type that!