Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have been thinking a lot lately.  
But I have not posted anything for many, many weeks...
I think it is because I now know my words are hollow and are better left within my mind.  I am becoming more and more aware of my "finite-ness" as a human being.  I am feeble and weak, unable to start or complete any movement or thought without being completely dependent upon my Father.  
While I am aware of this cognitively and rejoice at the thought of it, I cannot help but confess that my flesh is in rebellion to this satisfying dependance.  While I long for communion with Christ,to  acknowledge and live in His full will, I get so lost in my own words, thoughts, conjectures and critiques that I so quickly loose focus of my Beloved.

May we come to see the Kingdom of God not only lived out on earth, but also thriving within us.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

These are my feeble words...

Complete dependence means surrender of "I". It's an awful, terrible feeling most of the time. Though, when "I" turns into "we", it is a beautiful occurrence.

My favorite phrase these days is "life together". Dependence on each other is the hardest, yet most satisfying part of the human experience. We are designed to be imitations of the Most High. For me, the most intriguing part of the Trinity is the continual reliance on each entity. We are designed to be like this, to be dependent...all the time, for everything, forever.

It seriously sucks that our desire for definition of "I" stops us from fully experiencing dependence-- on God, or on each other. When will we learn what it means to imitate the Trinity?

Let us rejoice, brother, in the wonderment of this beautiful dependence. Let us strive to reject the "I". As the Kingdom is lived out in our own lives, may we rejoice as we see it in each other.
