Monday, December 1, 2008

//Thanksgiving and Black Friday

There is a very interesting contrast between our Thanksgiving day tradition and the day that follows, known as Black Friday.  Thanksgiving is a day that we reflect on all we have to be thankful for and spend time with our family.  Then the next day Americans have developed a new tradition, we wake up at 4am to go buy all that we don't have and think we need. 
I would highly recommend reading Ragan Sutterfield's short post, very good ideas on changing this new found tradition.

On another point, this year 5 people died because of crowds rushing to buy the latest electronic device or toy.  

5 people died.

One was a worker that was trying to keep customers from breaking down the doors at Walmart, he was trampled to death by the crowd.  

How as Christians respond to these actions?  Is this how we celebrate the coming of Christ?
Try something new...
Don't buy anything for Christmas this year.  
Make stuff.
Write a story for someone.
Give your time to people.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

//Masters in Ecological Theology...

With my recent revitalized interest in the topic of redemption and how it relates to Creation, I have begun to think more about the possibilities for my masters study.  
I was very skeptical that I would find anything that dealt with theology and creation. 
But I began to look online and I found the University of St. Michael's College in Toronto, Canada. Their graduate school offers a Masters in Theology with a concentration in Theology and Ecology.  Looking at their courses and the programs involved, it almost seems too good to be true...
Here is a selection of the classes to choose from:

-Spirituality & Ecology: Integration and Implications
-Christian Ethicists and Ecology
-Theology, Ecology & the New Cosmology
-New Voices in Theology
-New Heaven /New Earth
-Globalization, Social Justice and Eco-justice
-Beyond Homelessness: Theology in a Postmodern World
-Spirituality and Culture
-Theology, Science and Suffering

I am interested to hear anyones thoughts or if you know anything about this particular school or program.
Here is the link to the website:

Friday, November 14, 2008

//another really good link

Ragan Sutterfield was the speaker for the conference that I posted about yesterday.  He was a great speaker, always smiling and very inspiring to listen to.  He has a heart for people and creation that is genuine.  Here is his blog:

Currently, Ragan has a great post up about redeeming vacant lots with fruit trees...check it out!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

//Godspeed the Plough

Last weekend I went to an amazing conference entitled Godspeed the Plough: The Church and the Redemptive practice of Agriculture.  The conference as a whole focused on the Church and it's relation to Creation.  The conference was an amazing experience and I look forward to posting some of my notes, thoughts and conversations I had once I can get my head around all that I took in this weekend.
I can definitely say that I learned a lot and that God spoke to me at this conference.  I got to meet some great people (actually probably some of the most amazing people I have ever met...) and hear things that had been on my mind, but never materialized into practice.  It was refreshing to be around people of like mind.
I grew up an extreme environmentalist.  I also grew up as far away from Christianity as possible.  I thought that God and Christians both hated nature...after all, I always heard that the Bible tells us that the reason plants and animals were here in the first place was for us to do whatever we wanted to with them. 
This conference revitalized that part of me that loves the smell of dirt.
That part of me that thinks there is nothing more beautiful than flowers.
That part of me that sees a tree and praises God for his mystery.

until I post are some really good links to check out:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

//The good news of Caesar

In the 1st century, Christians found themselves living as a subversion to the powers and politics of the kingdom around them.  They saw themselves as bringing in a new Kingdom, one that has existed since the beginning of time, but was crashing into this world, bringing hope, light, and True peace.  They preached the Good News of Jesus Christ, which in the 1st century, had some very steep implications.  It meant that they were opposing Caesar.  They had a different King.

In the 21st century, Christians have chose live with and within the powers and politics of the kingdoms around them.  Christians now travel, not carrying the Good News of Christ, but preaching the good news of Caesar (now namely Obama or McCain). We are trading the Hope of True hope, light, and peace for the empty hope that can be found in politics or a politician.

May God's Kingdom, not man's, truly come.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

//Christian role in government?

What is our role as Christians when it comes to our involvement in politics/government.  This is a huge topic right now among evangelicals.  I have read many blogs, articles, essays and even books on this topic, and by no means am I going to regurgitate what I have read onto this blog don't worry.
I do however have many opinions and views on the matter, but if you are interested in dialogue, I would love to talk face to face.  I enjoy the blogging community, I believe it is healthy to dialogue online and find it very intellectually stimulating.  But on the other hand, seeing the effects of the so called "online community" and realized (and learned in my Sociology of Community class) that online dialogue leave out one important aspect of community...face to face interaction which requires sacrifice and reciprocity. is an interesting quote I took from a blog on Christian Anarchy

"...Get along with the ruling powers as much as you can, but put 
no trust in them. Let's let our lives reflect the truth that governments are part of a fallen world order that has been rendered obsolete in Christ. May our lives reflect the truth that the hope of the world lies in the power of the cross, not the sword -- or the vote."
- Greg Boyd, author of Myth of a Christian Nation

I would recommend checking out the rest of the article:

Any thoughts? Agree/disagree?

Rich Young Ruler//Derek Webb

Ok so here is another one of my favorite Derek Webb Songs...

//Rich Young Ruler
Poverty is so hard to see
When it's only on your tv and twenty miles across town
Where we're all living so good
That we moved out of Jesus' neighborhood
Where he's hungry and not feeling so good
From going through our trash
He says, more than just your cash and coin
I want your time, I want your voice
I want the things you just can't give me

So what must we do
Here in the west we want to follow you
We speak the language and we keep all the rules
Even a few we made up
Come on and follow me
But sell your house, sell your suv
Sell your stocks, sell your security
And give it to the poor
What is this, hey what's the deal
I don't sleep around and i don't steal
I want the things you just can't give me

Because what you do to the least of these
My brother's, you have done it to me
Because I want the things you just can't give me

good song...

Monday, October 6, 2008

//uncensored Truth...except I have to censor it.

So I heard a amazing story the other day about a homeless man.
It held Truth that is raw, offending and many may disagree with how it has been manifested.
It lies in one quote, in which I will censor in order not to offend any further...

"Jesus don't care how you come, as long as you motha' f***in' come."

unless of course, you use the "F" word...then all deals are off.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Spiritual Disciplines

There is a new series of books being written the ancient church disciplines, the first being written by Brian McLaren giving an overview of the seven books to follow.  The highlighted disciplines are: Constant Prayer, Sabbath, Fasting, Sacred Meal, Sacred Journey, the Liturgical Year, and Tithing. 
I am definitely looking forward to this series!

Check out this link to read more!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


For some reason lately I have been struggling with competition.

It feels like everything I do is in reaction to someone else, as if I am trying to keep up with people. 
I have this need to be noticed.  
I have a need to fit into the definition I am trying to form for myself.

peace maker...

I have spent and wasted so much of my energy on trying to make myself into the image of these idols, that I have forgot my purpose.  i have forgot my true Love.

Christ Jesus of Nazareth.

May we be conformed to the Image of the True Living God, not the ones that we create.
//Grace and Peace

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i repent

I have recently started listening to Derek Webb.  He has a great insight into the popular American Christian culture. 
I would highly recommend checking out any of his music, specifically from the "I see things upside down" or "Mockingbird" album.

"i repent" from I see things upside down

i repent of my pursuit of America's dream 
i repent of living like i deserve anything 
my house, my fence, my kids, and my wife 
in our suburb where we're safe and white 
i am wrong and of these things i repent 

i repent of parading my liberty 
i repent of paying for what i get for free 
the way i believe that i am living right 
by trading sins for others that are easier to hide 
i am wrong and of these things i repent 

i repent judging by a law that even i can't keep 
wearin righteousness like a disguise to see through 
the planks in my own eyes 

i repent of trading truth for false unity 
i repent of confusing peace and idolatry 
of caring more of what they think than what i know of what they need 
and domesticating You until You look just like me 
i am wrong and of these things i repent

Thursday, September 4, 2008

God is Good

so...I have not blogged in a very long time.  Hopefully that will change soon.

All I have to say right now is that Life is Good.
I am now the father of a beautiful baby girl named Olivia.
I have never been so blessed.  It is the hardest thing I have ever done, but it is also the most incredible blessing to come into my life.

God is Good

Friday, June 6, 2008

//A Break from Blogging

I am taking a break from blogging, potentially for the summer, in order to read and spend time taking in rather than putting out.
I will post a blog when Olivia is born! We are very excited and would appreciate your prayers!
Thank you so much!
May God's Grace and Peace be with you!

Friday, May 2, 2008


How do we deal with the problem of evil?
In cases like Darfur, what can we do to rule over the evil that is destroying and slaughtering thousands of people?
Is there a seperation of good and evil people, or are we one in the same? [would you agree that there is no such thing as an evil person?]

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It is a beautiful day.
Go outside and contemplate Creation.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

//Redemption Come

Father of Grace and Mercy
Let Redemption come.
Redemption come.

Monday, April 14, 2008


"Through violence you may murder the murderer, but you cannot murder murder.
Through violence you may murder a liar, but you cannot establish Truth.
Through violence you may murder a hater, but you cannot murder hate.
Darkness cannot put out darkness. Only light can do that."

//Words from the great theologian Martin Luther King, Jr.
March 4, 1967

Sunday, April 6, 2008

//Ride a bike

It is amazing to feel the sun on your face and the breeze.
I know it sounds dramatic, but it really does feel amazing.

I love Creation.
I think it is sad that Christians rarely (if at all) think of Creation.
We would much rather be comfortable.
We are comfortable in our faith.
We are comfortable in our service.
And most of all we are most comfortable in our transportation.

We are quite lazy.

I think there is something amazing about intentionally seeking to make the world a better place by riding a bike instead of driving.
I know it sounds simple.
But I think life should be simple.

I love the feeling of not rushing around.
I love hearing birds sing.
I love the feeling of all those cars rushing past me, with there drivers to urgently speeding around to get where they so desperately need to go.
I love actually seeing people, and if I feel like it, pausing to stop and talk.
I love seeing flowers coming up in the green grass.
I love the feeling of people complaining about gas prices, and knowing that biking causes me to contribute less to the raping of a nation for it's oil.
I love seeing little kids getting off the bus and walking home from school.

Yes, I still drive when I have too, and I am not saying that you should sell your car and buy a bike, because I know that for some that is irrational. But with each person that decides that enough is enough and chooses to bike, the earth gets greener and our dependence on foreign oil decreases.

Give it a chance.
Ride a bike.

//Be one less car.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

//Decontructing Evil::N.T. Wright

I just started reading a book I borrowed from my good friend Tim, entitled "Evil and the Justice of God" by the great theologian N.T. Wright. I am currently concluding chapter 1, which was a synopsis of the problem of evil as defined by modern and postmodern culture. Wright, with the backing of other great philosophers and theologians from the past and present, insists that we have come to look at the world as slowly getting better, it seems as if there tends to be less evil in out midst. We are progressing towards utopia, even if it means there must be violent means to get there.


Wright goes on to discuss the common thought that Western civilization ("Westernization") and democracy are looked at as the solution to end the evil that is in the world. After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that there was an "Axis of Evil" that needed to be dealt with and that it was the their (the politician's) job to "rid the world of evil".

Wright then states that he has seen three things that characterize the "new" problem of evil. First we ignore evil when it doesn't hit us in the face. This is seen greatly in our response to the AIDS epidemic, the genocide in Darfur, the illegal sex trade, sweat shop labor, and many other important global issues that are destroying our world. We are not responding to these desperate pleas because they aren't directly effecting us.

Second, we are surprised by the evil when it does actually hit us in the face. This can clearly be seen in our response to the attacks of 9/11. We were aware of the terrorist groups and knew of the damage they were causing in their own areas, but did not think to look into non-violent ways of stopping it before it was to late. Also, we should have known and acted as Christians on the sanctions the U.S. put on Iraq from 1991-2003, which by 1998 had already caused 1 million deaths due to mass starvation and lack of medical supplies. (Read more here at It is certain that these sanctions caused severe unrest among the civilians and aided to continued conflict between U.S. and the Middle East. During the imposed sanctions, which included banning imports of food, medicine and educational supplies, we offered them the generous "Oil for Food" program. "You give us oil, we will give you some food...but not til you give us OIL!"

Anyway...I'll rant more about that on a later post.
Third, after the evil does hit us in the face, we react in immature and dangerous ways. Wright goes on to site our response to the attacks of 9/11: "One of the most obvious and worrying instances of this phenomenon was the reaction to the events of September 11, 2001. That appalling day rightly provoked horror and anger. But the official response was exactly the kind of knee-jerk, un-thinking, immature lashing out which gets us nowhere." He continues that the event was un-imaginably evil and that thousands of innocent victims died an undeserved death. "But the astonishing naivety which decreed that the United States as a whole was a pure, innocent victim, so that the world could be neatly divided into evil people (Arabs) and good people (Americans and Israelis)..."

Near the end of the chapter, Wright, referencing Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, deconstructs the idea that there are good people and there are bad people. This idea of good and evil people permits us to have a "us" and "them" mentality. The line between good and evil runs trough each one of us.

Reflecting on a terrible tragedy such as 9/11, how do we react to obvious evil that is in the world? How do we take seriously things like Darfur? How do we deal with "Natural" evil (floods, hurricane) compared to "Moral evil (war, genocide, rape)?

Monday, March 31, 2008


Show someone Love today.
Unconditional Love.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Anonymous Blessing

God Provides.
We all know this.
We can see it in the fact that we are still breathing, or that we have food to eat, or that we have somewhere to sleep.
But I love it when you can see it plain as day.

A few moments ago I was walking up my porch and noticed a letter in our mail box.
It did not have a return address on it, only our address that was written by what looked to be a type writter, not by hand.

So I opened it.
A small peice of yellow paper that was wrapped around something was inside.
Still no writting
I slowly unfolded the paper, looking for something to give away who the sender was or a note.
I was almost brought to tears by what was inside the peice of paper.

A gift card that says "Happy Easter", worth $50.
We could not believe it!
Someone spent their money on us. It is truly humbling to be the recipiant of such an amazing gift, one of such self-less giving.
It is so amazing to see people helping others, and not wanting any reward, not even letting us know who they are so we can thank them.
That is truly doing something for the Glory of God.
The only person I can thank is Jesus.
I cannot express my feelings of gratitude to whoever sent us such a blessing.
Thank you.

It has been a while since I last posted. This has been because of some very interesting dialogue in response to my previous post. If you are interested, check it out!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

//The Truth of Aesthetics

The Truth of beauty astounds me.
People are beautiful.
Beauty that is both within, but also outwardly aesthetic.

Aesthetics cannot be explained with rational understanding, which in and of itself holds beauty.
What makes a person, or anything, aetheticly pleasing?
Can you define the confines of what beauty is?
Is there an Absolute aesthetic, which if possessed makes something beautiful?
Or is aesthetics relitive to the veiwer?
If this it is defined by the viewer, and beauty expresses a Truth, is this Truth also relitive?

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Last Tuesday, my beautiful wife and I had our first ultrasound. The doctor told us we were having a girl!
.::I am speechless.
I am at a total loss for words.
All of my mistakes and shortcomings, still God has given me this blessing.
Just the thought brings tears to my eyes.

In this world of hate, oppression, disease, war, and pain,
my little baby girl will be born.
But she will know my Father.
For He is with her now, as He crafts her body, and shapes her mind.
On that day she will breathe in His breath and Spirit.
She will be born with Hope.
Hope that God conquers death, and creates new life.

.::Father, give her life.
Let her be a beacon of Hope and Peace to your people.
May she not stray from Your path,
But humbly Follow your will.
Let her prosper in Grace and Truth.
Let her grow in your Love and Comfort, learning to Comfort and Love the Lost.
Let your Glorious Light shine and light her path.
Cast away and Destroy all evil that comes near her, keeping her pure.
Teach her now, as she grows, your laws and decrees.
Bless her way.
My purpose is found, O'God of Mercy.
Let me be a father to her, teaching her your Holy Ways.
Heal me, so that I may offer her strength and wisdom from You.
Jesus, be her Savior.
You are the Truth, the Life and the Way.
Thank you.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Proverbs 11:25-28 (NASB)

25The generous man will be prosperous,
And he who waters will himself be watered.

26He who withholds grain, the people will curse him,
But blessing will be on the head of him who sells it.

27He who diligently seeks good seeks favor,
But he who seeks evil, evil will come to him.

28He who trusts in his riches will fall,
But the righteous will flourish like the green leaf.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

//Intentional Community

"It is not a bad thing if your community is in transition, it is a good thing. It means it is alive."
-Words spoken by Shane Claibourne at the Q&A time after Wednesday's chapel.

Our community is definatly in transition.
These words spoke Truth to me.

For the past six months me and a couple of my best friends decided to try to do the community thing. We lived in one house, shared all of our possesions, attempted to eat together, pray together, and live together.
I don't think I have ever learned so much in that short amount of time.
It has been amazing...
Until now...
We are moving on.
We lost focus.
We forgot why we started.
Wes and Kelly moved out today.
Josh is moving out soon.
It looks like the end...

But I believe it is the Beginning.

God is teaching me what True community looks like.
This is not the end of our Community.
It is a transition...
It is Alive.
We will continue striving for community and following where God leads us.
My wife and I are not giving up, and I am sure that Wes, Kelly and Josh won't either.
Community is not about sharing a house, it's about sharing the amazing Love and Grace of our Father.
.::Grace and Peace

Monday, February 11, 2008


Why is it that when we exspirience being around people of such great poverty or people that may lack the basic needs for survival, we come back to our over cluttered existance and are thankful for all our stuff?
We so often are thankful for all of our things. is incredibly important to be thankful, I praise God for the food, water and a place of shelter he has so graciously blessed me with.

But I believe that Christ invites us to ask a new question, one that isn't easy to answer.

.::Why do I have all of this stuff, when others don't even have food?

When will we see the hurt in our world, we need ask ourselves that question...
It is not a guilt thing, guilt gets us nowhere.
It is not about pride in doing good, pride is death to us.
It is not a works theology, for we are saved only by the Grace of God.

.::It is about following.

Following the God of compassion and love, of grace and peace.
We are His followers.
He leads us to the homeless, the sick, the rich, the hungry and the thirsty, because they are his children too.
And he desperatly wants them to come home.

Next time we come home to our warm bed with all of our stuff (we americans like to call this stuff "blessings") consider and contemplate the words of Paul:

You will be made rich in every way
So that you can be generous on every occasion,
And through us your generosity will result in
Thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11

//Grace and Peace

Monday, February 4, 2008


Silence is something we so quickly forget in our culture.
In silence we may have to contemplate what our life actually is.
Such stillness opens us up to hear the whisper of our Abba.
I think it scares us.
So we fill our lives up with material and stuff that clutters our mind and keeps us busy so we don't have time to pause and listen.
I do it all the time.

I long for silence.
No music.
No cars driving by.
No talking.
I long to just be.
To exist without the pressures and contraints of this life defining who or what I am.
I yern for the embrace of my Father.

.::I long for silence.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

//Searching for True Orthodoxy

::Part 1
In search to figure out True Orthodoxy, we must look at what Orthodoxy was, has been, has become, and what it should be. I am on this journey, in attempt at being humble to the teaching of my Father, in hopes of discovering the True Orthodoxy.
It is important to ask questions while being taught, so I have asked these questions:
What is Orthodoxy?
Why must we first deconstruct Orthodoxy before we reconstruct it?
What has lead to the Syncretism of our faith with such worldly empires and customs?
What has our Orthodoxy become?
What Truths are we ignoring or distorting to fit our present age?

::We begin::

In the dictionary, Orthodoxy is defined as a belief or orientation agreeing with conventional standards.
Conventional is defined as:
1.following accepted customs and proprieties
2.conforming or adhering to accepted standards
3.ordinary rather than different or original

When looking at the American “church”, anyone can easily see that there is much conformity to the ways of the world. We seek power, strength, money, and self-glorification. We give into the gods of materialism, consumerism and greed.
We so quickly forget our first calling. Our eyes have been opened, but instead of truly seeing the heart of God, we turn our eyes away from the pain and hurt of the world and set our sights on “better” things.
We have become ordinary rather that different. We have conformed to the accepted standard as to not disturb or make anyone uncomfortable.

The way of the Cross is uncomfortable.
It is painful.
It is bloody.
It is dirty.
It will disturb you.
It just might ruin your life.

The word Orthodox is derived from the Greek ortho, which means right or correct, and doxa, which means thought, teaching or glorification.

As stated by Archbishop Averky of Syracuse and the Holy Trinity Monastery, “The superficial opinion of the majority notwithstanding, Orthodoxy is not merely another of the many "Christian confessions" now in existence, or as it is expressed here in America "denominations." Orthodoxy is the true, undistorted, not perverted by any human sophistry or invention, genuine teaching of Christ in all its purity and fullness—the teaching of faith and piety which is life according to the Faith.”

Orthodoxy is not a sum of dogmas that are to be adhered too, but rather full Truth that is not just a mental theology, but a theology put into practice, and a faith that is lived out.

In essence, Orthodoxy is to be the unaltered Truth of Christian teaching that is triumphant over all perversions and false teachings that are pressed on us by society. When looking at the Church, Jesus should be the standard and center of our faith. His teaching should form our unadulterated fundamental basis for our faith and life, which is True Orthodoxy.

May Grace and Truth be with us in our continuing search for True Orthodoxy.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


//Saturday, January 26, 2008
The High Café/Restaurant
4:28 am

The High makes you think. Makes you contemplate life without hope, or maybe even the idea of a life with hope, but understanding how to relate that hope to a broken people.
Where is the Church in this?
Why is there such an absence?
Where is this “transformational Love” we speak and preach about?
Just a couple questions I have been asking for a while…

I seek the face of Truth, many times being distracted.
I long to embrace Love, but flee from it so quickly.
I hunger to be a servant, but so many times find myself expecting to be served.
I thirst for righteousness, but so often fall short of His Glory.

I desire wisdom, but I am finding that many times it takes the form of foolishness.
I have no earthly father, but I have a Heavenly one.
The Father dwells in Community, but also speaks in Solitude.